Manifesting Desires Pdf

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Can We Really Manifest Desires Through Thought Waves? While the majority of the world is busy attempting to explore the infinite space out there in the starry void, they are missing something which is equally mysterious and far more important, in my view. The human 'mind', not the brain, which is merely a vessel or tool for the mind. Don't get me wrong, I don't claim to be an expert on the matter, I can only speculate or speak from my own experience. In my own experience, though, it IS possible to manifest desires through thought waves and this is one reason why I am so obsessed with this phenomenon, no matter how maligned it is.

Thank you for your interest in this e-book about the principles of manifesting your life dreams. What is my deepest desire? Thank you for your interest in this e-book about the principles of manifesting your life dreams. What is my deepest desire?

Manifesting With Your Feelings

Delta Force Land Warrior Full Version For Pc. However, I will attempt to use other sources to back up my claim that thoughts travel in waves just as wireless waves travel, as vibrations, magnetic vibrations that attract like thoughts and ideas from the minds of others and assist in the manifesting of desires. Alexander Graham Bell's Take on the Matter Let me introduce my first source, Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone (or not, according to some sources!) who was extremely knowledgeable when it came to vibrations - so much so that he figured out how to manifest desires, at least in theory!

Now before I go on, let me give you some figures. The human range of hearing extends from 20-20,000 vibrations (hertz) per second, from there all the way up to one and a half million vibrations per second none of our 5 senses can detect vibration. However, once the vibrations reach one and a half million VBS we are able to detect heat with our sense of touch and finally, at 3 million vibrations per second it's possible for the naked eye to perceive heat as a violet light. Above 3 million, ultra violet rays are given off which are completely invisible to us, hence the many bad cases of sunburn!

Now we know that radio waves travel through space and through the use of the right tools, become sounds or pictures, however, how do they travel? How is it possible for them to travel as they do. It is because there is an or zero point energy that permeates and penetrates everything around us. It is possible,through this ether for vibrations to travel huge distances. How does this play a part in manifesting desires? Here's what Alexander Graham Bell had to say on the matter: ' Can it be said that when you think of that great gap, that there are not many forms of vibrations that may give us results as wonderful as, or even more wonderful than, the wireless waves? It seems to me that in this gap lie the vibrations which we have assumed to be given off by our brain and nerve cells when we think.

But then, again, they may be higher up in the scale beyond the vibrations that produce the ultra violet rays.' Could we be by the attractive power of our concentrated thought upon them? Are they being drawn towards us on these ever moving, undulating waves of ether? If so, then are activities like meditation, visualization, setting goals and thinking of our dreams effective ways to manifest desires? Now, even more proof that thoughts have an effect on reality are the random event generators which for the last 12 years have been in operation all over the world. The quantum event based Scientists have been utilizing generally show a random, unpredictable series of zeroes and ones. However, whenever a huge event takes place like the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004, it seems as if the whole world begins to collectively think or at least align in consciousness level as the RNGs as they are known, register similar frequencies of numbers.