Disc S

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Read an overview of what it means to be an S type in the DiSC model, or to work or live with one. DISC is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Moulton Marston, which centers on four different behavioral traits: dominance.

Upcat Reviewer more. What does the S Personality Type contribute to a team? The S style is reliant and dependable.

Jan 15, 2017 They're pronounced the same, but, technically speaking, there is a distinct difference between a disc and a disk.&NewLine. The S Personality Type in the DISC personality profile is concerned with people and process. Learn more about S Personality Types here.

Pinagem Cabo Serial Impressora Fiscal Bematech. They are patient, good listeners, who want to work with teams in a harmonious way. They strive for consensus and will try hard to reconcile conflicts as they arise.

They are compliant towards authority and a loyal team player. The S is also good at multi-tasking and seeing tasks through until completion. What are the possible weaknesses of the S Personality Style? The S is described as stable and predictable, this is because they like to get into a routine and what feels secure and stick with it.

This results in an opposition towards change. However, when change is occurring, they adjust best when given a long enough period of time to adjust and an explanation of why the change is occurring. Because the S style is passive and avoids conflict, they may also hold grudges when they experience frustrations and resentments, instead of facing the issue head on. They strive for positive environments and relationships and can be especially sensitive when it comes to criticism. They want to please others, therefore may have a difficult time saying no or establishing priorities. What is the greatest fear of S Personality Types?

Because the S strives for stability and a feeling of peace and safety, they fear the loss of security through change. What motivates the S Personality Style? The S Personality Type is motivated by safety and security. They want to avoid conflict and exist in peaceful environments and around groups that are at harmony. They truly appreciate recognition for their loyalty and dependability. What is the ideal environment for the S Personality Type?

The S flourishes in a team environment, when working with others and getting along. They enjoy people, but prefer individuals and groups that they trust and feel comfortable around. They like environments with little change or surprise and little to no conflict. They like tasks that can be completed at one time or seen through from beginning to end and enjoy practical procedures and system.

The S style wants stability, predictability, and harmony. What does the high S Personality Style desire? S Personality Types desire sincere appreciation for their acts of kindness and security in both situations and environments.