Active And Passive Voice Rules With Examples In Hindi Pdf

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Here is a quick overview of the active and passive voice verb forms. Tense Active voice Passive voice Simple present tense Verb form: first form of the verb Examples They speak English here.

Excel Formulas With Examples In Hindi VideoActive And Passive Voice Rules With Examples In Hindi Pdf

Active and Passive Voice. In each of these examples, the passive voice is useful for highlighting the action and what is. Active and Passive Voice - Rules.doc.

He speaks English. Verb form: is / am / are + past participle form of the verb Examples English is spoken here. English is spoken by him. Present continuous tense Verb form: is/am/are + -ing form of the verb Examples She is writing a letter. I am learning my lessons.

You are making a cake. Verb form: is/am/are + being + past participle form of the verb Examples A letter is being written by her. My lessons are being learnt by me. A cake is being made by you.

Resent perfect tense Verb form: has/have + past participle form of the verb Examples: I have written a novel. She has finished the job. You have written letters. Verb form: has/have + been + past participle form of the verb Examples: A novel has been written by me. The job has been finished by her. Letters have been written by you.

Simple past Verb form: past tense form of the verb Examples: I wrote a letter. Ram broke a glass. You missed the chance. Futura Pt Font Family. Verb form: was/were + past participle form of the verb Examples: A letter was written by me.

A glass was broken by Ram. The chance was missed by you. Past continuous tense Verb form: was/were + -ing form of the verb Examples I was learning my lessons. She was writing a report. They were making toys. Cheers To The Freakin Weekend Mp3. Verb form: was/were + being + past participle form of the verb Examples My lessons were being learnt by me.

A report was being written by her. Toys were being made by them. Past perfect tense Verb form: had + past participle form of the verb Examples I had finished the project. She had learned her lessons. Verb form: had + been + past participle form of the verb Examples: The project had been finished by me. Her lessons had been learned by her. Simple future tense Verb form: will/shall + first form of the verb Examples I will finish the job.

She will solve the problem. Verb form: will/shall + be + past participle form of the verb Examples: The job will be finished by me. The problem will be solved by her. Future perfect Verb form: will/shall + have + past participle form of the verb Examples I will have finished the job. She will have solved the problem.

Verb form: will/shall + have + been + past participle form of the verb Examples The job will have been finished by me. The problem will have been solved by her.

These Active Voice and Passive Voice Exercises are not what actually asked in the common exams. Exercises that are asked in exams are given at the end.

Also you will find a PDF copy of these Active Voice and Passive Voice Exercises. Active Voice and Passive Voice Exercises with Answers (PDF) • My father helps me. • Active • Passive • She has confessed her fault.

• Active • Passive • The poor are helped by us. • Active • Passive • Where was the diary found by you? • Active • Passive • She had already taken the medicine.

• Active • Passive • Would a cup of tea be taken by you? • Active • Passive • Promise should be kept.

• Active • Passive • She will help me with money. • Active • Passive • Who will shut the door? • Active • Passive • The rose is sweet when smelt.

• Active • Passive • They did not expect me. • Active • Passive • A bridge was being built. • Active • Passive Answer key • Active • Active • Passive • Passive • Active • Passive • Passive • Active • Active • Passive • Active • Passive If you want to learn about Active Voice and Passive Voice then click below on the link to learn them If you have any question to ask or you want share it then please hit comment button below. And if you liked it then please share it to help others. People also Searches for: Active Voice and Passive Voice Exercises Active Voice and Passive Voice Exercises with answers Active Voice and Passive Voice.